Teacher Appreciation Event- May 7, 2024

Each year in May, the Palestine Chamber of Commerce teams up with Palestine Regional Medical Center to celebrate Anderson County teachers. We invite all education professionals in the area to attend an evening of appetizers, drinks and prizes. This event always garners immense support from area businesses by way of prize donations, monetary donations, and volunteers. The event is open to all Anderson County Educators. This includes Palestine, Westwood, Cayuga, Neches, Elkhart, Slocum, Frankston, University Academy and Christian Heritage Academy.
This year, the theme of the Teacher's Appreciation Event is western. Held at Palestine YMCA, starting at 4:30 p.m., the first 50 educators that arrive will receive complimentary "swag bags" filled with donations from local businesses.
Thank you to all area Education Professionals!
Comments from Education Professionals in attendance! If you would like to leave a review, click the "Leave Review" button below.